January Offer: Book your initial assessment and get 10% off your next 2 appointments!
January Offer: Book your initial assessment and get 10% off your next 2 appointments!
This privacy notice sets out how Sutton Chiropractic will store and use information relating to you. Sutton Chiropractic is committed to ensuring your information is protected. In order to provide you with the services Sutton Chiropractic offers, we need to collect and store personal data. With legitimate interest we may need to contact you via phone, email or SMS. You do not need to Opt in, however you will have the choice through the booking system to Opt out, or you can contact chloe@suttonchiropractic.uk to Opt out. Sutton Chiropractic is the data controller.
We collect or use the following information to provide patient care & services. You have provided us with consent by filling in the intake form. This is our legal basis for processing. This data is collected directly from you filling in our forms or family members with your consent. We have legitimate cause to contact you for reasons such as reminding you about upcoming appointments or in the event of needing to write you a referral for further medical professionals with confidential medical information. Information that may be collected such as Name, address and contact details, Gender, Pronoun preferences, Date of birth, Next of Kin details including any support networks, Emergency contact details, Photographs,Health information (including medical conditions, allergies, medical requirements and medical history), Information about care needs (including disabilities, home conditions, medication and dietary requirements and general care provisions), Test results (including scans, bloods, x-rays), Payment details (including card or bank information for transfers and direct debits), Insurance policy details, Records of meetings and decisions, Information about income and financial needs for funding or personal budget support, Racial or ethnic origin, Health information & Marketing preferences.
Your data is also stored on our secure software system ‘Jane App’. The data is only accessible via password by the data controllers.
We never distribute or sell your data to any third party. We will only share your information with other health professionals with your verbal or written consent for a referral or if there was any serious concern for mental or physical well being. You are able to request copies of your notes with a written consent for release and we must respond to this request within 1 month. We are required by law to keep your personal data for up to eight years from the date of the patient’s last visit or if a child until their 25th birthday.
Your rights: GDPR states the patient should be aware of their rights in relation to your personal information:
How to contact us:
If you have any feedback or concerns over how we use your personal data, please get in touch. Sutton Chiropractic is registered with ICO.
last updated: 24 November 2024